Restorative activities and fun shared moments after school

Organising afternoon activities
Afternoon activities for pupils, referred to in the Basic Education Act, are intended for 1st and 2nd grade pupils as well as other grades’ pupils that have been referred or transferred to special education. The afternoon activities for the academic year 2022-2023 start on 10/8/2022.
The City of Ylivieska does not organise morning activities.
044 4294 318
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Aamu- ja iltapäivätoiminnan perusteet (Opetushallitus)
Applying for afternoon activities 1.2. – 8.5.
You can apply for afternoon activities electronically using Wilma.
- The electronic application period on Wilma for the academic year 2022-2023 has ended.
- Closed (Log in to Wilma using your guardian credentials, select a pupil that the application concerns and open Forms. Fill in the form for afternoon activities).
- A place for afternoon activities is applied for one academic year at a time. Even if the pupil attends afternoon activities during 1st grade, you must submit a new application when continuing to 2nd grade.
If filling in the form on Wilma is not successful or you wish to apply for a place after the application period, please print and fill in the application form and return it to the school office (Kyöstintie 4, 84100 Ylivieska) or the school’s afternoon activity instructor.
Afternoon activities agreement
An agreement concerning the afternoon activities is concluded and returned to the school’s afternoon activity instructor in August. Because the school timetables are not confirmed until at the start of school, you can inform the more specific activity hours/weekly hours later in August. The price of the child’s afternoon activities is determined on the basis of the necessary weekly hours.
Schools organising afternoon activities and their hours
The local education and culture committee shall decide on the afternoon activities’ venues annually on the basis of the applications. Afternoon activities are organised at all primary schools during the academic year 2022-23. Afternoon activities are organised until 4 pm. Afternoon activities at the Kataja and Raudaskoski schools are organised until 4.30 pm in cooperation with early childhood education. Afternoon activities are not organised on the end dates of the autumn and spring semesters.
Fees for the activities
Afternoon activities are subject to a fee. The fees are based on the Basic Education act (Sections 48 b and 48 f). Applicable fees from 1/8/2019 (local education and culture committee §57/2019):
- 103 euros/month, 570 hours per year (3h/day)
- 124 euros/month, 760 hours per year (4h/day)
- 144 euros/month, more than 760 hours per year (more than 4h/day)
Half of the monthly fee is charged if the child is only present at no more than 10 days of the month due to illness. No fees are charged if the child is absent for the entire month due to an illness. A 50% discount is applied to the fee in June.
If the agreed activity days/hours change for at least 2 months, the fee shall be redetermined. Changes must be notified in advance to the school office or afternoon activity instructor. A change can be made once during the autumn and spring semester.
Invoicing and termination of the agreement
Invoicing takes place once a month according to the attendance list. An afternoon activity place reserved for a child shall be invoiced according to the given rates until the afternoon activity agreement has been terminated. Any termination must be done before the start of the following activity month. The due date of the invoice is the last business day of the month following the activity month. If your address changes, please inform the school office.
Afternoon activities’ contact details
KATAJA 044 4294 514 | KIVIOJA 040 6813 253 | NIEMELÄ 044 4294 342 | OJAKYLÄ 044 4294 409 | PÄIVÄRINTA 044 4294 350 |
RAHKOLA 044 4294 467 | RANTA 044 4294 417 | RAUDASKOSKI 040 6429 885 | VÄHÄKANGAS 040-1827 085 044 4294 404 | TAANILA 040 1800 963 |