Rehabilitative work activities are a service referred to in the Social Welfare Act

Objectives of rehabilitative work activities:
• to prevent unemployment-caused negative effects on the customer’s work capacity
• to strengthen the customer’s life and everyday life management as well as work and operating capacity
• to prevent isolation by offering the opportunity to participate in work activities and other services.
Arranging rehabilitative work activities is based on an activation plan, which is prepared with the customer by the Employment and Economic Development Office and the municipal social welfare authority. A service entity is planned for the customer, which is entered in the activation plan. During the planning, the customer’s personal situation is considered and this defines what services are offered to the customer in the service entity.
Rehabilitative work activities improve life management and increase the possibilities of employment. The operations are intended for those who have been unemployed for a long time. It is not an employment, but instead, the aim is to get accustomed to working life rules and establish one’s personal life management skills.
Rehabilitative work activities are organised by the local authority. The activities usually take place at the municipality’s different locations and in different associations in assistant positions.
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Act on rehabilitative work activities
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