From long-term unemployment towards an open labor market

Guidance, coaching and training for job seekers
Kohtaa! – the project is a joint employment promotion project financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) between the city of Ylivieska and YTEK Business Services. The project’s operating period is 1 September 2019 – 31 August 2022 and the operating area is Ylivieska. The target group of the project is job seekers from Ylivieska who have received labor market support for more than 200 days, as well as employers in the area.
The project is designed to develop solutions to the problem of unemployment in Ylivieska and to help the employment of job seekers who are partially able to work and those who have been unemployed for a long time in the open labor market.
The goal of the project is to develop jobseekers’ skills and working life skills to better meet the needs of employers and to develop the employer’s skills to employ jobseekers belonging to the target group. In the project, we offer coaching, training and expert services to both job seekers and employers.

044 4294 219
044 4106 462