City support for an employer to hire a person who has been unemployed for a long time

The goal of additional wage support
The goal of the grant is to promote the employment of job seekers who have been unemployed for a long time, to improve the functioning of the temporary job market and to prevent and reduce structural unemployment. The grant is part of the employment management of the city of Ylivieska. The city of Ylivieska grants assistance to companies and associations when they employ a person who has received labor market support for at least 300 days and has been unemployed.
The amount of the subsidy is 350 euros per month and it is paid for 6 months. Wage assistance is granted at discretion within the limits of employment appropriations.
Conditions for granting additional wage support
- he subsidy can be paid to a company, registered association or foundation for the employment of a person from Ylyvieska.
- The subsidy is only granted to new employment relationships.
- The grant is granted to a person who has been unemployed for at least 300 days and has received labor market support.
- The city will find out if the hired person meets the conditions for granting the subsidy
- The employed person must be paid the salary applicable to the employment relationship in accordance with the collective agreement.
- The employment relationship must be at least 85% of the regular working hours in the field.
- The subsidy is granted per employee for 6 months. The grant is paid only for salary costs.
- The employer invoices the support monthly in arrears. Support must be applied for no later than three months after the start of the employment relationship.
In writing on the application form. Applications can be obtained from the city’s website and the Employment Center Toivo. There are no separate application times.
Palkkatukihakemus – käsintäytettävä
Palkkatukihakemus – sähköisesti täytettävä
(tallenna ennen tulostusta)