Ylivieska has 11 elementary schools in total, one of which is a comprehensive school and one is a lower secondary school.

Ylivieska’s basic education schools
There are nine primary schools, one comprehensive school and one lower secondary school in Ylivieska. Education for 1st-6th grade children is provided at all primary schools and a few of the schools also provide preschool education. The schools to organise preschool education are decided annually on the basis of applications. Kaisaniemi lower secondary school provides education for 7th-9th graders. The comprehensive school, Taanila School, provides education through grades 0-9.
In Ylivieska, there are a total of approximately 1,500 primary school pupils, including preschoolers, and approximately 600 lower secondary students.
Kataja school
(primary school)

At Kataja School, general education is provided for grades 0-6 and class-formed special education for grades 0-9.
add. Katajantie 23, 84100 Ylivieska
Principal Minna Mäkinen,
puh. 044 4294 346
Koulun kotisivut (peda.net)
Ojakylä school
(primary school)

Ojakylä School is located approx. 5 km from the centre of Ylivieska. There are less than 50 pupils.
add. Perkkiöntie 50, 84100 Ylivieska
Schoolleader Heli Lastikka,
puh. 044 4294 304
Koulun kotisivut (peda.net)
Ranna school
(primary school)

More than 170 primary school pupils attend Ranta School. The school also has a preschool class.
add. Lampintie 23, 84100 Ylivieska
Schoolleader Samuli Konu,
puh. 044 4294 418
Koulun kotisivut (peda.net)
Kaisaniemi school
(middle school)

The school provides education through grades 7-9. There are almost 500 pupils. The construction of the new school building was completed for the autumn term in 2021. The school was previously called Jokiranta School.
add. Mäntytie 2, 84100 Ylivieska
Principal Paula Hartikainen, puh. 044 4294 388
Apulaisrehtori Tuomas Leinonen, puh. 040 1865 428
Koulusihteeri Riitta Saarilampi, puh. 044 4294 387
Koulun kotisivut (peda.net)
Kivioja school
(primary school)

Kivioja School is a primary school of less than 200 pupils, where preschool education shall also be provided during the academic year 2022-23.
add. Kiviojantie 16, 84100 Ylivieska
Schoolleader Kosti Lehtiniemi,
puh. 044 4294 336
Koulun kotisivut (peda.net)
Päivärinna school
(primary school)

Päivärinta School is situated in the city centre. Education is provided for grades 1-6 and there are approximately 250 pupils.
add. Koulukatu 2A, 84100 Ylivieska
Principal Ulla Hautamäki,
puh. 044 4294 331
Koulun kotisivut (peda.net)
Raudaskoski school
(primary school)

The school is a primary school of more than 100 pupils, where preschool education as well as pre-classes and nested classes are also provided.
add. Raudaskoskentie 7, 84880 Ylivieska
Schoolleader Juho Silvasti,
puh. 044 4294 424
Koulun kotisivut (peda.net)
Taanila school (comprehensive school)

Taanila School is a new comprehensive school, which started its operations in the autumn of 2021 (grades 0-9).
add. Opinportti 1, 84100 Ylivieska
Principal Risto Oja, puh. 040 1917 284
Assistant principal Kari Krook, puh. 044 4294 340
School secretary Ulla Salmi, puh. 040 1529 454
Koulun kotisivut (peda.net)
Niemelä school
(primary school)

Niemelä School is a primary school of approximately 90 pupils, which is located in Niemenlänkylä approximately 5 km from the city centre.
add. Niemelänkyläntie 353, 84100 Ylivieska
Schoolleader Ari Saastamoinen,
puh. 044 4294 302
Koulun kotisivut (peda.net)
Rahkola school
(primary school)

Rahkola School is a primary school of less than 200 pupils, where three small classes also operate.
add. Hakalahdenkatu 8, 84100 Ylivieska
Schoolleader Soili Kähkönen,
puh. 044 4294 383
Koulun kotisivut (peda.net)
Vähäkangas school
(primary school)

Vähäkangas School is a primary school of approximately 100 pupils for grades 1-6, which is situated approximately 9 kilometres from the city centre
add. Vähäkankaantie 624, 84540 Ylivieska
Schoolleader Juha Mäkelä,
puh. 040 8261 460
Koulun kotisivut (peda.net)
The schools’ staff email addresses are in the format forname.surname@edu.ylivieska.fi.