Nuorten Ystävät ry

Low-threshold service
The VALPAS 2 project aims to develop cross-sector low-threshold activities together with the municipalities of Kittilä and Posio, the cities of Ylivieska and Raahe, as well as the hospital districts of Lapland and Northern Ostrobothnia by applying the Nuorten Ystävät [‘Friends of the Youth’] organisation’s coaching workshop model. The target group of the project are adolescents and young adults (15-40-year-olds) from Northern Finland who are not employed or studying and are in the most difficult labour market situation and are at risk of falling from within the scope of services.
VALPAS 2 develops practical, multidisciplinary service paths for low threshold activities based on the needs of the customers using the services and the activities are tailored to suit partner municipalities. The objectives of the project in all partner municipalities:
- Reaching adolescents and young adults who are not employed or studying with outreach work
- Development of low threshold activities in municipalities together with adolescents and young adults in the most difficult positions
- Adolescents’ and young adults’ inclusion, life management and work life readiness strengthen with social rehabilitation
- Strengthening cooperation between hospital districts and municipalities and creating a co-development operating model
The project’s operations are funded by the European Social Fund, operational programme 5 Social inclusion and combating poverty, through the ELY Centres of Lapland and Northern Ostrobothnia until December 31, 2022. Partial funding was also provided by the municipalities of Kittilä and Posio, the cities of Raahe and Ylivieska as well as hospital districts of Lapland and Northern Ostrobothnia.
Sanna Laine
p. 044 5512 408
Työkykyvalmentaja, Ylivieska
Miia Vauhkonen
p. 044 7342 072