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Tästä löydät täytettävän Kompostointi-ilmoituslomakkeen
Jokilaaksot Waste Management Board operates as the waste management authority in the area of the municipalities of Alavieska, Haapajärvi, Haapavesi, Kalajoki, Kannus, Kärsämäki, Merijärvi, Nivala, Oulainen, Pyhäjoki, Pyhäjärvi, Pyhäntä, Sievi, Siikalatva, Toholampi and Ylivieska. Ylivieska operates as the responsible local authority.

The waste management board is responsible for and decides on issues in its operating area, which have been regulated in the Waste Act (646/2011) as the local waste management authority’s duties.
Among other things, the waste management board approves waste management provisions and waste charge rates as well as decides on the arrangement of waste transport.
The waste management authority operates as the monitoring authority referred to in the Waste Act. Supervisory authorities are the municipal environmental protection authorities and the regional ELY centres.
The waste management board has transferred the regulatory waste management service duties to the waste company Vestia Oy.
Contact information
Kyöstintie 4, 84100 YlivieskaJätehuollon suunnittelija
040 5586 330
044 4294 225
Assembly of the waste management board
Assembly of the waste management board
If you wish to extend the emptying interval of your waste container to 10-12 weeks, please submit an application to the waste management authority.
If you want the emptying interval to be 1-8 weeks, please contact waste company Vestia Oy.
- An emptying interval of 6-8 weeks requires a composting notification to be submitted to Vestia Oy.
You can find further information on the waste container emptying intervals on the Waste management page.
A person liable to pay a waste charge has the right to issue a reminder to the local waste management authority within 14 days after receiving the waste charge invoice.
If the property is unusable, submit a notification to the waste management authority.
Jätemaksutaksa (1.1.2022 alkaen)
Valtioneuvoston asetus jätteistä (179/2012)
Viranhaltijapäätöksissä sovellettavat menettelytavat ja periaatteet
More information on residential properties’ waste management can be found on the Waste management page.