Upper secondary school information package

Upper secondary school is a voluntary second-degree educational institution providing general knowledge education.

Ylivieska Upper Secondary School

Ylivieska Upper Secondary School aims to be a good school. It aims to offer diverse opportunities for good common knowledge. The objective is to create a safe working environment where everyone has the opportunity to do their best while being accepted and encouraged. The teachers aim to support the students in achieving goals. The joy of care and work prevails at the school.

The renovation work of the upper secondary school was completed in the spring of 2015, and in the autumn of 2015, the renovated facilities were introduced. Comprehensive sealing repair work has been carried out in these premises. In addition to the repair work, the premises have also been reformed. The upper secondary school has a modern language studio and a laboratory. The library and the students’ lounging areas have also undergone changes during the renovation. Opportunities for computer-based teaching have improved at our upper secondary school.

Ylivieska Upper Secondary School aims to be a good school which implements the objectives of the Act on General Upper Secondary Education:

A student’s upper secondary school

Ylivieska Upper Secondary School aims to be a student’s upper secondary school. We aim to develop operations in such a way that you feel good about coming to school and studying the general upper secondary school syllabus and completing a university degree. This is not always successful, but together we can make things work better every time. This increases the quality of the upper secondary school. Quality does not refer to doing well in the comparisons of upper secondary schools, but above all, it refers to an individual student succeeding in the best possible way.

Quality upper secondary school

Ylivieska Upper Secondary School is a quality upper secondary school. The operations and teaching of the upper secondary school are developed with the help of a quality system and various projects.  In a quality upper secondary school, students can find all the upper secondary school’s activities in the study guide and the teachers, in turn, have an orientation document.  The implementation of operations is regularly assessed with the help of a feedback plan. 


Ylivieska Upper Secondary School is a team upper secondary school. The upper secondary school’s other operations excluding teaching are carried out by the student teams at the lead of the student union’s board.  Starting and continuing ones have approximately 15 teams, which have one or two guiding teachers. Ending ones have their own abi teams.  Team operations are further presented in the description of the student union’s operations. 

Innovative upper secondary school

Ylivieska Upper Secondary School is an innovative upper secondary school. The upper secondary school’s innovation operations started with the innovation competitions held at the beginning of the 2010s from where they have expanded into nationwide operations. The operations of the innovative upper secondary school have ended but its spirit continues to live in our upper secondary school.

Ylivieska Upper Secondary School has approximately 300 students, and there are a total of approximately 30 teachers and other members of staff.



Takkulantie 3, 84100 Ylivieska

Alanen Terttu
matematiikan, fysiikan ja kemian lehtori (virkavapaalla 1.8.2023-31.7.2024)
050 3624 956

Hemmilä Sini
044 4294 367

Luhtasela Kalle
044 4294 548

Lähetkangas Terhi
etälukion opinto-ohjaaja
044 4294 437

Pieskä Pekka
vs. rehtori
044 4294 206

Rahkonen-Navia Leila
040 1545 509

Typpö Niko
040 6108 062

Valli Pauliina
044 4294 366

Vuolteenaho Helena
044 4294 382


For students

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