The City of Ylivieska has a centralised enrolment system.

Registering for school
Children start school the year that they turn seven years old. The school office will send registration instructions to households with upcoming first-graders at the end of January-beginning of February. Registration takes place electronically in Wilma. You can also apply for afternoon activities in connection with registering for school. An open doors event day is organised for new first-graders annually in May.
Enrolment is carried out separately for the grades 1-6 and 7-9. Future 7th graders who are moving to lower secondary school shall be sent a local school decision about their lower secondary school in the post no later than in April.
Pupils moving to Ylivieska from another municipality shall be registered to school:
- School office’s department secretary Minna Seppälä (tel. 044 4294 312, OR
- Head of local education and culture department Kai Perttu (tel. 044 4294 314,
Determination of local school
Each pupil is assigned a school place, i.e. a so-called local school. According to the administration procedure, the head of local education and culture department shall decide on the determination of a local school and the acceptance of a pupil according to the criteria decided by the local education and culture committee. Being assigned to Ylivieska’s local schools in based on so-called open areas where no specific areas have been defined for being enrolled as a pupil.
Being assigned to a local school is affected by, for example, the length and safety of the journey to school and the size of study groups. The school journey is assessed on the basis of the child’s official home address in the population register. The geographically closest school is not always assigned as the local school. basic education pupils who have been issued a decision of extended compulsory education or a special benefit can also be referred to Kataja and Rahkola schools.
Right to attend school elsewhere than at local school
You can also apply for a child to have the right to attend school elsewhere than at the assigned local school. The decision shall be made by the head of local education and culture department according to the criteria decided by the local education and culture committee. The right to attend school elsewhere than at the local school can be granted if there is space in the second-option school if there is space in the study group. The secondary enrolment must not increase the class sizes in grades 1-6. to exceed 22 pupils and in grades 7-9 to exceed 20 pupils. The secondary school does not provide the right for school transportation.
Effect a move in Ylivieska has on school location:
A pupil’s local school is assigned on the basis of the pupil’s official address entered in the population register. A move that takes place within the area of the City of Ylivieska may cause the pupil’s local school to be reassigned and a change of school.
If a pupil moves within the city during basic education, the pupil may continue to attend school in their previous school for the duration of the current academic year in accordance with the completed enrolment if the guardian ensure any school transportation.